KRLD Twitter - 08/02/2023

Irving, TX: An accident on Loop 12... From the looks of it and inattentive driver rear-ended another vehicle. If you were injured in this accident, give RE Lopez and Morales a call! We will help you with your recovery needs quickly and efficiently. 469-209-7727.
We have offices in both Dallas and Fort Worth metroplexes for your convenience.
Address: 550 E 15th St Suite 200, Plano, TX 75074
Address: 400 E Weatherford St #204, Fort Worth, TX 76102
Source: #IRVING NB Loop 12/Walton Walker at Shady Grove--accident blocks 2 left lanes #KRLDTRAFFIC#1080TRAFFIC
Irving, TX: Un accidente en Loop 12... Por lo que parece, un conductor distraÃdo chocó por detrás con otro vehÃculo. Si resultó herido en este accidente, ¡llame a RE Lopez y Morales! Le ayudaremos con sus necesidades de recuperación de forma rápida y eficiente. 469-209-7727.
Tenemos oficinas en las áreas metropolitanas de Dallas y Fort Worth para su conveniencia.