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Accident involving a big truck spotted in Fort Worth

R.E Lopez & Morales Attorneys At Law

KRLD Twitter - 07/25/2023

IH-20 and Bowman Springs - Fort Worth, TX

Fort Worth, TX: An accident involving a big truck was spotted in Fort Worth near Bowman Springs and I-20. If you were injured in the accident, then call the professionals at 469-209-7727. We will help you navigate the complicated insurance process and get the recovery assistance you need.

#FTWORTH: EB 20 past E Loop 820 merge--accident blocks 2 left lanes.

Fort Worth, TX: Se detectó un accidente que involucró a un camión grande en Fort Worth, cerca de Bowman Springs y la I-20. Si resultó herido en el accidente, llame a los profesionales al 469-209-7727. Lo ayudaremos a navegar el complicado proceso del seguro y obtener la asistencia de recuperación que necesita.

#FTWORTH: EB 20 más allá de E Loop 820 fusionarse - accidente bloquea 2 carriles izquierdos

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