KRLD 10/29/2024

Seagoville, TX: It's unclear at the moment on how this happened and there's no word if another vehicle is involved.
If you were involved in this accident or an accident similar to this one, give RE Lopez and Morales a call for a free consultation. 469-209-7727.
We have offices in both Dallas and Fort Worth metroplexes for your convenience.
Address: 400 E Weatherford St 204, Fort Worth, TX 76102
Source: #SEAGOVILLE WB 175 closed at Simonds Rd due to a jackknifed 18-wheeler #KRLDTRAFFIC #1080TRAFFIC
Seagoville, TX: No está claro en este momento cómo sucedió esto y no hay información sobre si otro vehículo está involucrado.
Si estuvo involucrado en este accidente o en un accidente similar a este, llame a RE Lopez and Morales para una consulta gratuita. 469-209-7727.