KRLD 06/10/2024

Irving, TX: All lanes were closed down on SH-161 near Walnut Hill in Irving, TX. No word yet on what exactly happened but when emergency services close a highway, then it's probably pretty bad.
If you were involved in this accident or an accident similar to this one, give RE Lopez and Morales a call for a free consultation. 469-209-7727.
We have offices in both Dallas and Fort Worth metroplexes for your convenience.
Address: 550 E 15th St Suite 200, Plano, TX 75074
Address: 400 E Weatherford St 204, Fort Worth, TX 76102
Source: We lose ALL lanes on this one in Irving...South on Bush Turnpike at Northgate. Seek alternative route!! #irving #lascolinas #trafficalert
Irving, TX: Todos los carriles fueron cerrados en la SH-161 cerca de Walnut Hill en Irving, TX. Todavía no se sabe qué sucedió exactamente, pero cuando los servicios de emergencia cierran una carretera, probablemente sea bastante malo.
Si estuvo involucrado en este accidente o en un accidente similar a este, llame a RE López y Morales para una consulta gratuita. 469-209-7727.