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R.E Lopez & Morales Attorneys At Law

635 and McCree - Dump Truck involved in an accident with 3 passenger vehicles. Fire and Ambulance

KRLD twitter - 10/18/2023

East 635 and McCree Rd - Garland, TX - 10-18-2023

Garland, TX: Fire and Ambulance are on scene of an accident that includes a cargo truck. While it doesn't appear to be too serious, keep in mind even minor injuries can cost a bundle.

If you were involved in this accident, give RE Lopez and Morales a call for a free consultation. 469-209-7727.

We have offices in both Dallas and Fort Worth metroplexes for your convenience.

Address: 550 E 15th St Suite 200, Plano, TX 75074

Address: 400 E Weatherford St #204, Fort Worth, TX 76102

Source: Garland - East 635 wreck causing some delay. #garland#dallas#trafficalert

Garland, TX: Bomberos y ambulancia están en la escena de un accidente que incluye un camión de carga. Si bien no parece ser demasiado grave, tenga en cuenta que incluso las lesiones menores pueden costar mucho dinero. Si estuvo involucrado en este accidente, llame a RE López y Morales para una consulta gratuita. 469-209-7727.

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